Hilton Primary School

Hilton Primary School

Hilton Primary is an Independent Public School founded in 1950. The school is continues to thrive for more than 70 years within our active community. The school was originally called Hilton Park Primary School. The school is situated five kilometers from central Fremantle we cherish our stunning natural and well-managed landscapes. We are grateful that our improved physical setting, offers an authentic learning and teaching environment for our students from Kindergarten to Year 6 From Kindergarten to Year six.

Hilton Primary School is an extended and respectful relationship to Noongar culture. We recognize that our school is located on Wadjuk Noongar Boodja and that we are the current custodians for this territory, which we will share with all those who visit us. We recognize the importance in Wadjuk Noongar culture and the importance to First Nations people in the past, present and the future. We are determined to take the path of reconciliation together with First Nations people and continue to recognize the contribution to the work of Indigenous and Non-Indigenous individuals in the education of our children, staff, and their families within Hilton Primary School.

Our five fundamental values in Hilton Primary School is Creativity, Community, Care Inclusion, Sustainability and Creativity. We are committed to pursuing sustainability every day and take look after the school, our larger world, our planet, and our fellow students. We are grateful for our proximity and interaction with the Hilton Harvest Community Garden, close to the Early Childhood Centre. Since our numbers of students have increased (to nearly 300 students) we are currently developing an personal Hilton PS farmyard with vegetable pods as well as chickens. Also, you will notice our use of eco-friendly materials to develop our physical environment like the stage outside (2020) and the creation for our Sensory Room as a transition space (2022) and the currently preparing for the development of additional natural play spaces that will be located near our school’s oval.

In 2021 we took part on our initial Public School Review process. This was a major event that accelerated the growth of the school. In preparation the students, teachers, as well as parents/carers took part in a comprehensive self-reflection procedure, and submitted it in the format of”the ESAT (Electronic School Assessment Tool). We reviewed six domains and presented the evidence of our current position in our ongoing improvement process. Two reviewers were invited to verify our self-assessment in six domains:

  • Relationships and Partnerships
  • Learning Environment
  • Leadership
  • Use of Resources
  • Teaching Quality
  • Student Achievement and Progress

In the process of self-reflection, we came together to formulate an Plan for Growth to guide the next stage of Hilton Primary School’s development from 2021 to 2024. Our updated purpose statement is in line with our desire to continue expansion and growth:

The child’s education is nurtured daily.

The plan For Growth particularly details the actions and recommendations for 2022. You might want to check out the Public School Review Report and our Plan for Growth 2021-2024available on our website . We are thrilled and inspired by this year’s Public School Review, later in 2022. We anticipate sharing major changes in the six domains of the school.

Every day, from Kindergarten through Year 6 we be awe-inspiring in our teaching and learning. We foster positive relationships with our community and families. We aim to balance teaching explicitly with nature-based learning and play-based learning to ensure it is Hilton Primary School is “a great place to learn and grow.”

We are extremely proud of the diverse nature of our school and our community. Alongside our 12% our students who declare themselves to be First Nations people, we have a significant number from French or German families. Our kids are the youngest to are a pleasure to play in German, French and English playing groups that are affiliated by Playgroups WA.

Families who are supportive of our school collaborate with our staff via the Parents and Citizens Association, our School Board as well as the Grounds Committee and as Class Representatives. We just welcomed fresh Hilton PS Board members to contribute diverse ideas to the governance of our school.

The dimensions of our school allow students to meet their “kindred spirits” and our families to understand and love each other. Families from the present and future are invited to come to our school to discover our values and meet our staff and students who share their knowledge as they learn, play and teach. Our students will exhibit and discuss our expectations for behaviours and our three Cs of Courtesy, Respect and Cooperation. They’ll be happy to tell you about the things they love about Hilton Primary School.

Hilton Primary School has located very close to Perth Cash 4 Cars. you can check below Google Maps.