Aviation Heritage Museum

The Aviation Heritage Museum of Western Australia is also known as known as the Bull Creek Collection, is operated and owned through the Western Australian Division of the RAAFA. The museum’s beginnings begin in 1929, shortly after the Association was established.
The initial project that the newly formed association was involved in was the acquisition of the Kalgoorlie Biplane. The group set about making repairs to the aircraft with the possibility of having it entered in the Centenary of Perth parade that was held the following year. Its wings proved too large for the roadway and were therefore removed and placed alongside the fuselage in the back of a truck to be used in the parade. The plane has been donated to WA Museum after the parade however it is not surviving the present day. In 1959, a Mark 22 Spitfire was acquired by the Association and was restored to be used as the central piece of its commemorative events, at the front of the clubhouse located on Adelaide Terrace. A vast collection of magazines and books about aeroplanes was installed inside the club house as well.
On the 1st of December 1962 the Association purchased an Lancaster bomber to use as an ode to the actions by its members that flew across Europe throughout World War II. In 1968 a Museum construction fund was established.
The 1960s and 70s in the 1960s and 70s, the Association as well as a number of private individuals accumulated a variety of aviation memorabilia such as aircrafts, parts for aircrafts and engines books, photographs, and other artefacts. The informal collection had grown to an extent that the Association began to think of a museum to house the entire collection. The same year it was that the Aviation Historical Group was formed by people who were members of the Association and other individuals who were interested. The group also comprised private enthusiasts and restorers of old aircraft from all over Perth.
In 1971, the Association began to build their Memorial Estate in Bull Creek to build a bigger clubhouse and retirement accommodations for members in their senior years. A portion of land close to the entry point was reserved on the Estate to be used as an aviation museum. This location was chosen to ensure that visitors didn’t have to travel around the Estate to visit the planned Museum. In 1979, the Industry Committee of WAY 79 (a Western Australian government 150th anniversary group that was funded by the government) gave 100,000 towards the Association to build an Museum building. The building was completed and the South Wing was opened on the 17th of November 1979.
The South Wing was sufficient to house the Museum’s smaller aircrafts. It was not enough for the Lancaster and the newly purchased Douglas Dakota were too large for the Wing. In 1983, the Government of Western Australia again provided funds to build the new, larger structure called known as the North Wing, to house the massive aeroplanes. The building was officially opened on the 17th day of December 1983.
Since then, additional features have also been brought to the Museum with a pedestrian walkway in The North Wing, three demountables that house the library of books along with the photographic library, the model aeroplane group , and an accessioning bureau. A workshop was constructed behind on the South Wing after the old one was demolished to make room for the Mirage Apartments from the Association. In 2011 , the rocket launcher was set up just in front of the North Wing and in 2013 the Vietnam Heritage Display and the new WRAAF and WAAAF displays were put up.
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